Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Found this on Crooks and Liars tonight!

Here's a small chunk.

California Governor Jerry Brown, while still Attorney General, wrote to Arne about federally-driven education "reform". Hey, there might be some hope yet!

"The basic assumption of your draft regulations appears to be that top down, Washington driven standardization is best. This is a "one size fit all" approach that ignores the vast diversity of our federal system and the creativity inherent in local communities. What we have at stake are the impressionable minds of the children of America. You are not collecting data or devising standards for operating machines or establishing a credit score. You are funding teaching interventions or changes to the learning environment that promise to make public education better, i.e. greater mastery of what it takes to become an effective citizen and a productive member of society. In the draft you have circulated, I sense a pervasive technocratic bias and an uncritical faith in the power of social science."